How to Use a Whitelist Feature on Android Without Third-Party Apps (Samsung Galaxy)

As a rule people are talking about black list feature. Android has a native auto-reject feature and we wrote about it some time ago. Whitelist is another mode when you ignore or reject all callers except selected.

There are a lot of third-party apps designed to manage incoming calls which provide blacklist and whitelist features. But most of them are not freeware and many apps are not perfect.

In this guide we will explain how to set up a whitelist on Android without any third-party apps. So, you will only receive calls and messages from those contacts that you wish. But note, other callers will be ignored but not rejected.

Set Up a Whitelist on Android (Samsung Galaxy Devices)

Follow the steps to set everything up on a Galaxy phone:

    1. Pull-down the drawer.
    2. Tap and hold Do not disturb mode in quick toggles: do not disturb quick toggle
    3. Tap Allow exceptions to configure the feature: allow expections in do not disturb
    4. Here:
      – Enable Do not disturb mode,
      – allow calls,
      – allow messages if you wish,
      – tap Calls and/or messages from:
      configure do not disturb mode
  1. Select to allow calls and messages from Favorite contacts only or Contacts onlyfavorite contacts only
  2. Add people you want to allow calling you (and/or sending you messages) to Favourite contacts (or to Contacts if you chose Contacts only on the previous step): favorite-contacts-android-6-samsung-galaxy-note

That’s it! Now you may enable Do not disturb mode when you wish and block all calls and messages except from chosen contacts. Very simple and you don’t need to install any third-party apps.

Note! Using this built-in feature calls from unwanted caller will be ignored (muted) but not rejected!

1 thought on “How to Use a Whitelist Feature on Android Without Third-Party Apps (Samsung Galaxy)”

  1. That’s is useful to a limit… the limit of your contacts list, but who has the entire company list on their list ??? There is an urgent need to have a built in whitelist feature on cellphones that allow us to receive calls from a range of numbers.
    It is the same with the ubiquitous “Search for an item” on websites but there is no way to limit the junk that comes in without a large “filtering input” from the user…


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