The Question
I have been using my iPhone X for six month already and everything seemed to be totally okay. But about a week ago I noticed that I have a lot of missed calls in the Recents and people who managed to ring me up ask “Why are you rejecting my calls all the time?”
I was confused but now I understand, that the first call from a particular caller is being declined for some reason and only the second one is ringing. I’m 100% sure I couldn’t miss those calls.
My iPhone is always near me and I’m in the quiet room and I’m not a deaf person. This is my phone that doesn’t play the ringtone and just sends a “busy” tone to the person who tries to call me.
Could you explain why does my iPhone always reject the first call and what can I do to fix the issue? Thank you in advance.
The Answer
Looks like the Do Not Disturb mode is activated on your iPhone. That’s why all calls are being declined by iOS. Those who redial your number again within three minutes can reach you because you are likely to have the Repeated calls option enabled.
Here is how it looks on iOS 12 (and iOS 11 actually too):
Swipe up from the bottom to open the Control Center and deactivate Do not disturb:
You can also disable the mode from Settings → Do Not Disturb.
That’s all!
Didn’t help! Anything else I can try? My phone is doing what it wants lately. Locking, freezing, rejecting calls, switching apps, scrolling texts, puts on airplane mode and I can’t switch it off, won’t let my punch in my passcode, gets me locked out (disabled lock screen)…. I’m literally about to go bonkers. It’s like someone else is messing with my phone while I’m trying to use it.
I have an iPhone XS Max, no damage.. phone is in mint condition.
Thank you so much!!! I’ve looked for a solution for this problem for 2 months until I read this, can’t believe it’s that easy! Thank you!!
This didn’t help. It is not nor was it in DND mode.
I’m having the same issue! I’ve tried everything! And it’s definitely not in DND
I have a same problem and that is not for DND.
did you find any solution for it?