How to Enable and Disable Screenshots Notifications on Android 11, 10, 9, 8

I take screenshots every day because my hobby is creating how-tos on And I must admit, I hate to see pop-up every time saying “Screenshot captured” or “Screenshot saved. Tap to view your screenshot”. And mostly because if I take another one a few seconds later it will contain this pop-us itself captured.

Moreover, there is a notification in the Status bar and on the lock screen. Here is how you can get rid of pop-ups and notifications after taking screenshots on Android 10, 9 and 8 so you won’t have to dismiss them each time.

How It Looks

This is a heads-up (banner) notification. It pops up over other apps on the screen and will hide away after 5 seconds: heads up notification Android 9And this an ordinary Android OS notifications in the shade. It can also be quite annoying if you use to take screenshots often: screenshot notification android 9 Here is how it looks on Samsung Galaxy S9 running Android 8: Samsung Galaxy S9 Screenshot Captured

And the same annoying “Screenshot saved” notification on Galaxy S20 with One UI 2.1 (Android 10_:

Screenshot saved notification on Galaxy S20

How to Disable Notifications “Screenshot saved” or “Screenshot Captured”

Stock Android 10 and 9

    1. Take a screenshot. (On both my Pixel and my Galaxy S9 I need to press and hold Power + Volume Down).
    2. Pull down the notification shade.
    3. Move the tile to the right a bit for options to show up. (Be careful not to swipe it away completely).
    4. Tap the gear icon: screenshot notification settings
    5. Select Stop NotificationsSystem UI Stop Screenshots notifications
    6. Disable notifications for Screenshots category: Toggle off screenshot notifications Android 10

Samsung Galaxy Phones and Tablets Running Android 10, 9, 8

On Galaxy devices enter the options from the shade the same way:

Samsung S9 screenshots notifications options

and turn off Samsung Capture app’s notifications: Disable notifications Samsung Capture

Update 2020: In One UI 2.0 and 2.1 (on Galaxy S20, S10, S9) it will be enough to disable notifications from the “Samsung Capture” category to get rid of “Screenshot saved” in the shade:

disable Screenshot saved on Galaxy S20

How to Enable Screenshots Notifications Back Again

If you have hidden tiles saying “Screenshot captured” and closed the shade you can’t just tap Undo to revert changes. Now you have to dig Android settings a little to get them back.

Stock Android 10, 9, 8

If you miss the notifications about taken screenshots on Android 9 or 8 and want them back do the following:

  1. Go to Android SettingsSettings Android 9
  2. Apps & notificationsApps & notifications
  3. Select See all appssee all apps Android 9
  4. Touch the dots icon.
  5. Select Show systemshow system apps Android 9
  6. Now scroll down and select System UI in the list: System UI app Android 9
  7. Head to NotificationsSystem UI - Notifications options
  8. And finally set the “Screenshots” checkbox: set the checkbox screenshots

After you set the checkbox named “Screenshots” the corresponding notifications will start showing in the drawer but there won’t any pop-up messages. Frankly, I don’t know why. Personally I don’t need them but you take it into account. Maybe, you will tell me how to enable pop-ups in the comment section. This is what concerns the stock Android.

Samsung Galaxy Devices (on S9 example)

To revert the setting on Samsung Galaxy phones you have two options.

Option 1

Go to Settings → Notifications and enable back the Samsung Capture toggle: Samsung Capture Notifications

Option 2

Go to Settings → Apps → tap on the dots on the upper right and select Show system apps → Find Samsung Capture in the list and select it → tap on Notifications

Samsung Capture app info notifications blocked

and set them to Allowedenable notifications for Samsung Capture

Disable Screenshot Options in Google Apps (Edit and Share)

You can also have screenshot options enabled in your Google app. Once you captured your screen while in Google feed or another Google app you might be prompted to edit or share the image. Here is an example how it can look like in the Google app: Screenshot edit and share in Google App Android 9

If this is undesired do the following:

  1. Go to the Google App’s Settings: Google App Settings
  2. Select Account & PrivacyGoogle App Account & Privacy
  3. Turn off Edit and share screenshotsEdit and share screenshots in Google App

That’s it.
Read next: AccuBattery Not Alerting! or How to Disable Battery Status Notification

20 thoughts on “How to Enable and Disable Screenshots Notifications on Android 11, 10, 9, 8”

  1. Bless you. I needed the part to turn screenshot notifications back on, was driving me crazy when wanting to share, having to go get it. Could not find screenshot notifications anywhere. The fact that it only comes back in the drawer now is actually perfect, removes the annoying aspect of the pop-up that caused me to initially turn it off. Awesome!

  2. I appreciate this but I am coming from Samsung to Google pixel 3 and also screenshot constantly. So my issue is that on the other phone I never had any of the display on the screen (clock, notification s, etc) and in video when I pause it to take a screenshot the play button is still right in the center!!! What is that??? Can anyone help me?

  3. Awesome. Thank you so much!! Could not figure out how to turn them off and was annoying me!!

  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This has been the most annoying feature on my Pixel 3…..I knew there had to be a way to get rid of them but couldn’t figure it out. You are my hero! 😀

  5. sneaky buggers hiding this notification settings in a sly right swipe.

    This also works on the S10 the moment.

  6. Google’s bar notification was preventing Samsungs built in scroll capture from working, thanks for the guide on disabling it.

  7. Does not work on my Android 9 Oxygen OS 9. States, “This notification cannot be disabled.” Oh well, I am stuck with these annoying notifications.

    • Same thing on Samsung A10E This notification can not be disabled!! This one falt makes me hate this phone!!!

  8. Thank You Soooooooo Veryyyy Muchhh!!!
    I can never find a way to stop this screenshot notification from popping up….

  9. Thank you.
    Unintentionally I stopped notification of screenshots,it was really helpful for me to re do that.

  10. Thanx! BUT this only solved1/2 of my problem. Yes the notification on top is gone, HOWEVER there is still a mini-picture – like a THUMBNAIL picture of my screenshot that appears. It is SUPER annoying because it lingers several seconds & obstructs everything you do until it fades away on its own. So, for example if ur wanting to take several screenshots in a row, after the first one, the rest are ruined cuz they capture these stupid lingering thumbnails. HATE THIS! It’s soooo obnoxious!
    Please help! Is there a way to turn this so-called “feature” OFF????
    (My phone is a super nice BLU G9-PRO running Android 10)


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