How to record high-quality stereo sound on Google Pixel

Google Pixel comes without a pre-installed audio recording app. And as far as it shoots video with mono sound audio many people believe Pixel is not capable of stereo sound recording (despite it has two built-in microphones).

Here we will prove that it is not true. Read about how to easily record high-quality stereo sound on Google Pixel and Pixel XL. 

First you need to Install a voice recording app. In our example we will show how to record a high-quality stereo sound in Voice Recorder by SplendApps (freeware).

Go to “Settings”.
Here select:

  1. In “Recording format” select “PCM (wav) – High quality”.
  2. In “Sample rate” select “44 kHz – CD quality”: set up stereo audio recording on Google Pixel
  3. Scroll down the Settings screen and set the checkbox “Record stereo”: enable stereo audio recording

Now ensure you don’t have a headset plugged in to 3.5 inch jack (otherwise the external mono mic will be used).

That’s it. Now you can record stereo audio in a high quality. Just tap on the icon: 

tap to start recording a stereo sound on Google Pixel

By the way, the recorded audio sounds really nice! And after that you will be able to listen and easily edit your recordings on your PC or Mac because it is in Wav (PCM) format:

stereo audio recording on Google Pixel on Android

I hope, this information was useful for you.

2 thoughts on “How to record high-quality stereo sound on Google Pixel”

  1. Hi
    s there a video app recording with stereo signal?
    I tried various but then the playback is in mono

    • Hi, as far as I know, Google Pixel 2016 records video only with a mono sound. Haven’t seen such apps unfortunately. It is much easier to get another phone. For example, a used pixel 3.


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