Get Rid of Opera Mini News and Ads on Android Lockscreen

Opera Mini browser is a nice app that can help easily and safely change IP to another country to visit a blocked website and save your mobile data when in roaming using its unique page compression feature. But as any freeware app it has a backside – annoying ads and news.

Often people cannot understand where those ads on the lock screen came from. Yeah, Opera Mini is able to show you annoying unwanted content and you can be surprised greatly when you are unlocking your phone or tablet.

Here is how to disable news option in Opera Mini app settings to get rid of ads and news on Android lock screen and start page within the browser itself.

get rid of lock screen news by opera mini
Get rid of lock screen “top news” by Opera Mini

Follow the steps to get rid of ads and “news” in Opera Mini start page:

  1. Launch the Opera Mini app.
  2. Tap the Opera button: ads on start page Opera mini
  3. Touch the gear icon to open browser’s settings: Opera Mini settings
  4. Go to Start page content: Start page content Opera settings
  5. Here disable News – just touch the toggle to disable lockscreen ads in Opera: disable ads and news on Opera mini start page
  6. Now tap the Back button on your Android device.
  7. Enter the Notifications settings: Opera Mini Notifications Settings
  8. Here disable everything:
    disable Opera Mini Notifications

Done! No more news on the start page or lock screen of your Android device.

But be advised that Opera Mini will still be able to continue showing intermediate pages with advertisements. This kind of pages show up when you click on the link on any website.

First you see the advertising and only then the browser loads the page you expect to see. Such a shame.

If you have anything interesting to add concerning the problem, drop a few lines in the comments!

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